Not too long ago, I released a book called A 21 Day Devotion: Intentional Prayers for Your Husband. In the book, I wrote down 21 specific things our husbands need prayer for. The list included, but not limited to things like his heart, relationship with God, being a godly father and husband.
See, I was convicted in my own heart of my lack of praying for my husband. It was in that conviction that the Holy Spirit began to do a work in me, and I intentionally started praying for my spouse.
I have seen this mercifully short book bring life and healing in marriages and in women’s hearts. That’s where the desire to release this course comes in at.
This will be a once a week, for 4 weeks (4 session) online course. It will be the same day/same time each week.
Each of the 4 sessions will cover topics like:
· What does a godly wife look like?
· What does it mean to be submissive in today’s culture?
· How to love an unlovable person?
· How should marriage mirror the Kingdom of God?
This course is being offered at $10 as well as the purchase my book. You can do that here.
What a great place to be with other like-minded women who want to better their marriage and relationship with their husband. It’s also a safe place to ask questions and share with the group what God has done in your own life/marriage.
I am truly looking forward to this class. It’s going to be fun and engaging with lots of room to grow!
If this is something you are interested in, or wanting more information, send me an email at
See you there!!
Sign me up! Can’t wait!