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How motherhood is a reflection of God's love for us

"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you..." Isaiah 66:13

Maybe this scripture doesn’t mean much in this day and age. We have mothers murdering their own babies, their own flesh and blood, for the sake of “rights”. Having rights and equality doesn’t mean taking them away from someone else. Equality began in God’s Kingdom when He created male and female. Genesis 1 says He told THEM (male and female) to be fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, to rule over the fish, birds and living creatures. They were both given this command.

However, the side of God that was breathed into women was the essence of protection, gentleness, support; the one who walks along side. There’s a spiritual DNA inside every natural born female to carry that power. Whether your femininity comes naturally or not; we are nurturers. We are encouragers. We are builders. We are comforters and it is in us to establish the next generation. Webster’s dictionary defines comfort as: to give strength and hope to.

Being a mom is the greatest blessing there is. It’s hard work, and nothing worth having comes easy. Motherhood is a season like no other. It stretches you beyond your natural limitations. You walk in a love that you didn’t even know existed. Motherhood is a reflection of God's love and comfort for His people.

God knows the struggle we face to comfort our children when they are doing through certain seasons. (Even when that child doesn't receive our way of comfort). That’s why I’m convinced that specific scripture was placed in the Bible. He can comfort us in ways that are beyond comprehension. Just like a mother owning her calling as a mom to give strength and hope to her child, so God comforts us.

He brings strength to us. He gives us something to hope in. So, don’t underestimate what you pour into your children. Mark 4 Jesus says, “with the measure you use, it will be measured to you-even more.” I don’t know about you, but I need more hope in my life. I need more grace, understanding, strength, forgiveness, and comfort in my walk with Jesus.

Let’s remind ourselves that as we give our best to our children, our Heavenly Father is doing the same for His children

What motivates us to comfort our children:

  • Immeasurable, unexplainable LOVE

  • It’s in you to do so. It is a part of your make.

  • You have your child’s best interest at heart; whatever stage of life they are in: DIAPERS TO DIPLOMAS

We have the very nature of God Almighty inside us through the Holy Spirit. What a privilege to comfort our children like God does! It’s an honor, blessing and life changing!

On the flip side…the Word of God also says that He comforts those that mourn. If you find yourself mourning motherhood, give that burden to Jesus. I don’t have the answer to the whys but I know he still cares and will comfort you!

I leave you with a quote from my one my favorites:

“This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not is some other, God looks for faithfulness.”

-Elisabeth Elliot


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