#home #inthekitchen #lookslikehome #missionfield #raisingchildren #homemade #homecookedmeals #timearoundthetable #stayathomemom
I think we could all agree that a home is a woman’s domain. Whether that woman is a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, this is the place where biblical womanhood can be defined.
Home is the place that a woman shows off her strengths, and a place she works on her weaknesses. This is the place where she:
Teaches God's word
Serves her family
Raises her children
Protects little hearts and minds
Disciplines when necessary
Allows a space for her children to grow, learn, explore, discover
Loves without limits
This is HER HOME….
HOME is her calling....
Home is a mission field. It’s a calling. It’s a place. It’s created with intentionality.
There is nothing more important than what is happening within the walls of your own home. Name one thing more important than family? Or what the family produces?
As a matter of fact, Jesus taught several times in people’s homes. He felt comfortable there. Welcomed. Are we giving Him a place to show up? A place for His presence to rest? Are we allowing Him into our everyday lives? Is Jesus apart of what we are creating and producing in our homes?
If your home was put on the scale, would is outweigh everything else in your life? Or would it be found wanting?
If you weighed home against careers, school, extracurricular activities, money, whatever else, would home come up short or far outweigh those things?